Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Roy Doty's Christmas Cards 1950-2007

Courtesy of Hogan's Alley comes this gorgeous online gallery of cartoonist Roy Doty's perconal Christmas greeting cards through the years.
"When I did my first card in l946, the year I started freelancing in New York, all the artists did their own cards at Christmas. It was a tradition to do so. Over the years fewer and fewer cartoonist do them, though there has been more of them lately now that they can print them out from their computers."
Hat tip to Steve Smallwood!


Mark Anderson said...

Wow! That 1998 paper airplane one... WOW!

Gregory Kogan said...

Thanks for the link, Mike! Do you draw your own cards too? I thought about doing this for this holiday season, but I don't think I'll be able to draw and get it printed in time.

Raymond Fujimoto said...

The excellence of a gift lies in its appropriateness rather than in its value. Very interesting work.

nice post and thanks for sharing...